Thursday, July 26, 2018

Week 5: Topic 2


In my opinion, the actions in which WikiLeaks uses its material is good but also irresponsible. The reason why I think its good is because it helps show the truth per say, the secret information that is all around the world can be used for good use along with showing the true potential of government and other things that we are fed the opposite. But, it is used irresponsibly because they just shoot the info out with no back up or explanation. They are choosing to throw out information that could alternate big decisions that could lead to mass hatred from the people.  

I feel this way because it really is useful. Nowadays you never really know whats true and whats false. I like how they are trying to prove points and expose the unknown but they should do it in a more organized way. 

In the Ted Talk, from 4:30 - 8 minutes, there is a clip shown of the military shooing down and killing innocent civilians along with reporters that had nothing to do with any attack or any problem what so ever. The video I thought was good to release and to bring to life the deaths of those innocent people but in my mind it was released in a non responsible manner. I am no news reporter. I do not know what releasing it in a good responsible manner would be, but just throwing that video out there to the public starts a lot of conversation that they them selfs, WikiLeaks, doesn't have to worry about back lash. 

I think the way the worlds going with access to any information and the freedom of expression and to be creative in each persons own way is good and is helping the world rather than setting it back. Moving forward no doubt. 

For example, If anyone ever need help with spelling a word, learning how to do your taxes, or even buy a car, all you have to do is google search! The internet is unlimited with information that anyone can access. If you can find a device that supports the internet then you have the world in the palm of your hands. 

Week 5: Topic 1

After watching the documentary, what I found most interesting was that really there is nothing people can do to catch music makers and artists that remake "mash" artists original songs into something that original of its own but sound the same, in a way. But there are so many people out there trying to catch these people who do this thing such as "copy right" and to fine them as criminals. For example in the video at around 22 minutes, a guy is explaining that this all needs to be resolved and that this is criminal action. In my mind today, this isn't the case what so ever. Everyone in this day an age does this whether people like it or not and it has become such a expectant to people that its the way we live in todays societies around the world. For me, I wasn't fortunate enough years ago to have money for apple music and to buy dollar too two dollar songs off of iTunes. I went the rout of illegal downloading music using different sources to allow me to have these songs that I couldn't afford. I knew it was illegal but so many people I knew were doing it, it just became the norm. 

One question I have about about copy right is why is it still targeting people who show support and try and create music for their own self but also to help promote the original artists? for example, during the documentary then couldn't play songs longer than a certain point because of copy right issues, but wouldn't u want people to play and show off your music so other will hear it allowing it to grow to new audiences?

In 2008 a rap artist by the name of Birdman was caught and battled lawsuits because of sampling other artists music without paying licensing fees. As a producer, co-founder of Cash Money Records, and a artists himself, Birdman failed to pay these fees and has been enforced by law enforcement to get him and his crew to pay the money he owes. 

Even though Birdman has signed many famous artists and has created their careers basically from underneath him self and helped make them who they are today, that doesn't mean he can take anyones music and sample it for his own benefit for himself, and for his artists under his label. I think the action that should be taken is to make him pay whats due and follow the law that surrounds artist to protect them from things like this. Just because someone has high power in the music industry doesn't mean they can be free and take anyones music. For us people who arn't in that industry its hard to get a sample of a song like he can, making it wrong for him to do what he was doing. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Media Blog Project: Budweiser Commercial

     Budweiser Superbowl Commercial: Advertisement

For me, TV isn't something I watch very often or really at all anymore. Being a big sports fan, of course I pay close attention to big games and events. In 2015, the world wide beer company Budweiser created a commercial campaign called #BestBuds. The campaign was a series of commercials every year where they would show a puppy and a horse creating a bond that couldn't be broken. The reason this advertisement caught my attention is because it was touching in a sense. It brought out my feelings for dogs along with just animals in general, now i'm not someone who just loves every animal but being a big dog guy it was pretty dang good. The commercial made me feel a certain way and it stuck with me very clearly even three years later.

Image result for budweiser dog commercial

The way the add was made was for people to feel love that is portrayed by the friendship of the guy and his dog along with the horse. The 1 minute 2 second long Budweiser advertisement was shown on the day of the 2015 Superbowl where there is no bigger stage for commercials. It first starts with the mans puppy, yellow lab, playing in the horses stable under some hay. The dog then gets into the guys trailer with the horse as they go down town, the dog jumps out of the trailer to seemingly never return. The man puts up signs and posters hoping someone will find his lost dog. The dog now all alone in this crazy world struggles to find home when he runs into a wolf. The dog starts to bark as the wolf growls and snarls at the only few month old lab. Then all of a sudden the horse along with many other horses come running up to the dog to defend it. The horses save the dog and bring him back trotting into the mans farm where he looks out the window and sees that his lost puppy has returned.

Image result for budweiser dog commercial

The message of the advertisement is hidden well, yet even though it's a beer commercial and should be showing the alcoholic beverage it is know for, it does not what so ever have that feel. The soft touch of a dog and his owner along with the sense of family really makes this add so appealing. When the dog goes missing, you don't want to get up and leave thinking the commercial is boring or its over, it makes you intrigued to see what happens in the end which resulting being good. The add makes your emotions change quick, even being only a minute long. It most definite has the story-telling emotion because of the long but really few second journey of the dog tracking its way home, and how the horse started out not really super close to the dog but in the end they are playing in the field together. Making it that over the time of the dog missing the horse wanted to have his friend back and was happy to have him when they reunited.

Image result for budweiser dog commercial

 This add is restively new, since it was only three years ago. Most commercials I see are dramatic and try very hard to catch your eye with maybe bright colors or things you can relate to. For this add specifically, it does not draw your attention like you would think it is very sneaky, but the message and the story behind it is like a small movie. Its very similar emotion wise as the film Home Alone. The dog had to defend for him self and try to make his way back home with out being attacked by the wolf just like how the boy in the movie has to defend for him self and stay away from bad guys trying to kill him. The audience targeted is mainly people who really don't have a lot per say. The farmer lives alone im assuming because there is no one els in the add but him and his animals, it's all he has. People in this world like my grandpa, don't have anyone but his companion dog Jake! Older people feel more for the add then younger also considering you cant drink until your 21 and the add is sponsored and in the end geared towards Budweiser beer. It is definitely pushing towards older men and women above the age of 21. There is no stereotypes in the advertisement because it is just trying to show that losing something you love can be hard. Finding true best friends are tough and you should stick together instead of being alone. Maybe its telling me to finally get a puppy!

Adds nowadays are everywhere, for me its hard to remember adds and to catch attention to what they are trying to get across because its everywhere. This one stuck. The strength of this add was the music, along with how simple it was. There wasn't much going on but the idea of the dog going back home to its owner and friend (the horse). The out door vibe along with the scenery really helps put the dog in the center of the picture and to focus mainly on one thing. What I thought they could have done better was had more of a back round story to how the guy got the dog and how long he had it for. It kind of seemed like he found it out side in the stable but I am not sure, so there is grey area to where the dog really came from and how much they truly bonded, the man and his dog. What makes it so memorable is that the dog seems happy. When seeing something like that with such high emotion it makes us humans feel that and want that in our lives. This connects to not just you or a few people but almost everyone who watches the add.

The video has millions of views and so many other crazy numbers on social from the 2015 add. It is one of their most iconic features about the company from the social media stand point. social media helped put them on top as one of the most infamous beer company's all because of the people on social media able to find the video everywhere.

Article:  "All About That Adorable Budweiser 'Lost Dog' Commercial"


Explains that the story behind the add can relate to anyone. “It’s a storyline that people of all walks of life can relate to"(Budweiser vice president Brian Perkins). The add has been talked about every year since its releasing from the impact it left on people. People.come also says that the actor (aka the farmer or man) explained that the song and just the emotion even after watching his own work on the add is amazing, “It does give me chills,” he says. “It’s that song!”(Don Jeanes). 
Would I buy beer from Budweiser because of this add? honestly, yes. With out understanding simple knowledge, i would say that Budweiser showed a different stand to advertising when they made this add. It showed me they truly care about other things rather than just trying to cram "drink my beer" down your throat. Not everyone wants to watch beer adds just showing beer so I feel as if the way they approached this was for everyone and it was a good simple idea to help promote for what they truly stand for. 
I would recommend looking to this company and what they are all about, I don't condone drinking because I am only 20 and am not of age. But if I could, I would most definitely gravitate towards them more than others and tell people that first hand. 

Image result for budweiser dog commercial

In conclusion I learned a lot about looking to just this simple add of a beer commercial. I learned that there is a lot of work put into making a big public add along with the audience they try to attack. When a product is for everyone over 21 they have to make it known that its generally for everyone, you cant leave anyone out. You want people to buy your product not shy away from it. You must make sure it has a clear message along with a strong delivery, in this case it did and it hit you harder that most which is why it is so well known. It surprised me when I looked into this add deeper that its all about money and that to get TV time for a simple commercial cost a lot of money let alone to make it. Its tough to advertise something that people dont really support so making something as a commercial costs a lot of energy and time even if its a 30 second add!

Video of the Advertisement: Site:

USA Site: Site:

Friday, July 6, 2018

Media Blog 2: Social Media

Topic 1:

Three I chose to follow are:

Twitter: @richthekid
Instagram: @espn
Twitter: @travisscott

I follow these three people/organizations along with favoriting, liking, and retweeting their posts is because they are very inspirational to me, the stuff they tweets along with post travis scott really renders to me and allows me to understand that they are real people even though they are celebrities. It allows me to relate to them even though we are from very different back rounds.

One tweet that I ended up retweeting and favoriting this afternoon was by RichTheKid. The post said, "theres no success without struggle" This stood out to me because it rings true I think to my self and most others. People get to caught up in failing in life and don't allow them selfs to use it as a stepping stone of learning. Struggling in life can allow you to succeed if you view it the right way.

I feel like social media does/has enhanced me to keep me into the loop of society where I cant be. It allows me to communicate to other along with expressing my self freely. For example, when a friend is across the country and they post a picture on Instagram or dm me on Twitter, i am able to keep up with them even though I am in my house not across the world. I enjoy and use social media daily, I do not how ever wish it was like this nor would I ever condone everyone to use social media as much as I or many people do in my generation. I think it's taking over to much of our youth and it allows to many people to be caught up and think the real world is actually like that meaning when someone is rude over the screen of your phone, then thats how the real world is. But it is happily not.

Topic 2:

Talks about how people in society are afraid of conversation because in a face to face conversation, you can not redo, edit, or change what you say. This factor presents its self in a attractive way to those who feel they can say what ever they want. People who feel they can say what every they want use social heavily on a daily basis. Further, Turkle explains in a sense that a line is being blurred between face to face contact appose to sitting behind a screen. with these attractions such as the once's mentioned before "being able to edit, change, take back what you say" people feel that when converting over social media they have no need to meet face to face, "why not just call in 30 seconds instead of driving 30 minutes". What they don't understand is that people are slowly isolating once's self from having face to face contact experiences. This is a crucial element to ones development as a contributing person in our world. "solitude is where you find yourself" (Turkle). 
During dinner time at home my mother and father have a rule where there is no cell phones at the table. This rule has been influenced for as long as I can remember. I think this is a great rule because it allows dinner time to be about face to face contact and allows everyone to speak to one another with out any technology distractions. The older I get the more power I see in this and want to keep implementing it more often in other ways!

When it comes to digital gaming I use to be a big call of duty player back in middle school and high school. My phone has no games besides social media and apps to help me with my everyday life like banking and such. Back in the day (like I said in high school & middle school so not to long ago considering I'm only 20) call of duty was the game of choice, so me and all of my friends would play hours on hours day & night grinding to be the best. I enjoyed it so much because it was so fast pace and the level of skill it takes to be the best was never enough, there was always time to compete and get better just like college baseball!

I spend a lot of hours a week on social networking, and sadly I know I do it and shouldn't but i just cant help it! With all the social media platforms it most definitely feels like you are part of a community of some sort. Being able to know things with the click of a button or scrolling up and down seeing things that maybe people haven't and then able to let people know before they have heard or read about, creates the sense of you belong in this ecosystem of knowledge.