Thursday, July 26, 2018

Week 5: Topic 2


In my opinion, the actions in which WikiLeaks uses its material is good but also irresponsible. The reason why I think its good is because it helps show the truth per say, the secret information that is all around the world can be used for good use along with showing the true potential of government and other things that we are fed the opposite. But, it is used irresponsibly because they just shoot the info out with no back up or explanation. They are choosing to throw out information that could alternate big decisions that could lead to mass hatred from the people.  

I feel this way because it really is useful. Nowadays you never really know whats true and whats false. I like how they are trying to prove points and expose the unknown but they should do it in a more organized way. 

In the Ted Talk, from 4:30 - 8 minutes, there is a clip shown of the military shooing down and killing innocent civilians along with reporters that had nothing to do with any attack or any problem what so ever. The video I thought was good to release and to bring to life the deaths of those innocent people but in my mind it was released in a non responsible manner. I am no news reporter. I do not know what releasing it in a good responsible manner would be, but just throwing that video out there to the public starts a lot of conversation that they them selfs, WikiLeaks, doesn't have to worry about back lash. 

I think the way the worlds going with access to any information and the freedom of expression and to be creative in each persons own way is good and is helping the world rather than setting it back. Moving forward no doubt. 

For example, If anyone ever need help with spelling a word, learning how to do your taxes, or even buy a car, all you have to do is google search! The internet is unlimited with information that anyone can access. If you can find a device that supports the internet then you have the world in the palm of your hands. 

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