Friday, July 6, 2018

Media Blog 2: Social Media

Topic 1:

Three I chose to follow are:

Twitter: @richthekid
Instagram: @espn
Twitter: @travisscott

I follow these three people/organizations along with favoriting, liking, and retweeting their posts is because they are very inspirational to me, the stuff they tweets along with post travis scott really renders to me and allows me to understand that they are real people even though they are celebrities. It allows me to relate to them even though we are from very different back rounds.

One tweet that I ended up retweeting and favoriting this afternoon was by RichTheKid. The post said, "theres no success without struggle" This stood out to me because it rings true I think to my self and most others. People get to caught up in failing in life and don't allow them selfs to use it as a stepping stone of learning. Struggling in life can allow you to succeed if you view it the right way.

I feel like social media does/has enhanced me to keep me into the loop of society where I cant be. It allows me to communicate to other along with expressing my self freely. For example, when a friend is across the country and they post a picture on Instagram or dm me on Twitter, i am able to keep up with them even though I am in my house not across the world. I enjoy and use social media daily, I do not how ever wish it was like this nor would I ever condone everyone to use social media as much as I or many people do in my generation. I think it's taking over to much of our youth and it allows to many people to be caught up and think the real world is actually like that meaning when someone is rude over the screen of your phone, then thats how the real world is. But it is happily not.

Topic 2:

Talks about how people in society are afraid of conversation because in a face to face conversation, you can not redo, edit, or change what you say. This factor presents its self in a attractive way to those who feel they can say what ever they want. People who feel they can say what every they want use social heavily on a daily basis. Further, Turkle explains in a sense that a line is being blurred between face to face contact appose to sitting behind a screen. with these attractions such as the once's mentioned before "being able to edit, change, take back what you say" people feel that when converting over social media they have no need to meet face to face, "why not just call in 30 seconds instead of driving 30 minutes". What they don't understand is that people are slowly isolating once's self from having face to face contact experiences. This is a crucial element to ones development as a contributing person in our world. "solitude is where you find yourself" (Turkle). 
During dinner time at home my mother and father have a rule where there is no cell phones at the table. This rule has been influenced for as long as I can remember. I think this is a great rule because it allows dinner time to be about face to face contact and allows everyone to speak to one another with out any technology distractions. The older I get the more power I see in this and want to keep implementing it more often in other ways!

When it comes to digital gaming I use to be a big call of duty player back in middle school and high school. My phone has no games besides social media and apps to help me with my everyday life like banking and such. Back in the day (like I said in high school & middle school so not to long ago considering I'm only 20) call of duty was the game of choice, so me and all of my friends would play hours on hours day & night grinding to be the best. I enjoyed it so much because it was so fast pace and the level of skill it takes to be the best was never enough, there was always time to compete and get better just like college baseball!

I spend a lot of hours a week on social networking, and sadly I know I do it and shouldn't but i just cant help it! With all the social media platforms it most definitely feels like you are part of a community of some sort. Being able to know things with the click of a button or scrolling up and down seeing things that maybe people haven't and then able to let people know before they have heard or read about, creates the sense of you belong in this ecosystem of knowledge. 

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